Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ, and thank you for visiting Holy Cross Lutheran Church online!
We hope that our website highlights who we are at Holy Cross!
Please learn more about our church here, or contact us to schedule a visit.
Know that you are always welcome here, and we hope you join us soon!
Our Mission
You may have noticed our church's Mission Statement above--Transformed in Christ to Share the Hope of Eternal Life--and may be wondering what that means. You might also have questions like:
- Who is Jesus Christ and what is Christianity all about?
- What is the Hope of Eternal Life?
- What does it mean that Holy Cross is a "Lutheran" church?
- Is Holy Cross a church I would want to belong to?
Everyone is invited to worship with us each Sunday at 9 A.M.
Do you have a church where you worship regularly? If not, you are welcome to worship with us at Holy Cross. Please join us as we celebrate God's love for us in Christ as we are equipped to reach our community!
Interested in Joining?
Learn more about what it means to be a Christian and how to join as a member at Holy Cross!

We livestream the Sunday morning service at 9am on our Facebook Page (click the Facebook logo below). YouTube comes at a delay on the Ste. Gen TV YouTube Page.